
Provincial, territorial and federal government partners have a long history of collaboration with sharing data to help demonstrate Canada’s commitment to sustainable forest management. This collaborative culture, supported by the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM), helped design and create what is now known as the National Forestry Database Program.

NFD collaborators from 10 provinces, 2 territories and the federal government (Natural Resources Canada's Canadian Forest Service) continue to work toward common objectives:

  • find a common standard for data collection, compilation, analysis, reporting and dissemination of information and knowledge;
  • identify priorities for improved data collection, compilation, analysis and reporting;
  • promote standardization of measurement and terminology, to improve the quality and utility of forestry data;
  • promote liaison and dialogue with organizations engaged in the collection of forestry data for the purpose of improving the accuracy and efficiency of reporting forestry statistics; and
  • make information publicly available that provides a comprehensive and objective view of the issues and options faced by the forest sector.

Questions specific to local provincial/territorial data and data collection/reporting procedures can be directed to the following provincial and territorial government contacts: